Me and Haley went to wheeler farm last night! It was freezing. But we had alot of fun. especially chasing birds. We even found one that only had one leg. until we tried to take a picture of it and it ran away...on TWO legs!! Oh my. Biggest disappointment of my life. We liked following all the birds though and pretending we were them. The chicken coop was pretty sweet too. But it was made for people the size of chickens. not me and Haley's size. it took us awhile to get in and out of that thing.potty break..?
this is the stupid chicken thing that i couldn't even get in.
Haleys face when she discovered her true family...welcome home Haley!! I'm sad we didn't take the picture of it pooing fast enough.
communication with the pigs. but obviously I didn't get enough....because i got IN the pig pen.
this is why my pants and shoes smelled the rest of the night. grosssss. this is not what i signed up for. But things got better when I made haley smell my pants she almost threw up and then she laughed so hard she peeed. YEA! one more thing to mark off my 50 things to do before i do...
Haley's other family. She fits in with them a little more. She was a little excited to see tractor ride anyone?
our sweet "look like we're falling off" moves. I think mine wins.saddle up, cowboy!
Haley's 2nd language. that animal.
muuuuuuusic! my life.
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the good ol' farm of wheeler
Posted by allie at 5:36 PM
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You guys are so funny. And yes, it looks like you are truly falling off the bridge.
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