muuuuuuusic! my life.

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eriks rap

Hey there, hey, my name is Allie
I live in Utah, I live in the valley

When I'm with friends I like to watch some movies
I've never kissed a boy cause I think they have cooties

When I get hit, sound comes from my throat
It sounds like a dolphin, or maybe a goat

I think it's mean, they think it's funny
I like the play soccer when the days are sunny

So let me eat my favorite cheese
and let me sleep I'm askin please

And Mario Party is my favorite game
and I think the sophomore girls are really lame

Now let me tell you bout this girl named Sara Evans
She's goin to HELL and she's skippin Heaven

She tried to take someone, with her evil plan
but she can't cause Scott Turney's my man!

And i'm gonna slap her with the back of my hand
and when she's on her knees beggin it'll be so grand

So don't mess with me or my lifeguard crew,
Or i'm gonna sick Erik White on YOU!

-Erik White